Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Practice with the Cameras and Lip Synching :)

When practicing for our music video we chose a song that was available and then we had to bluetooth the song to a device that would be able to play the song out loud (which when editingthe video will be easy to match the music to the video).

We then found a location that was simple so that it would be quiet for us to focus on the lip synching and the emotion into the camera. To make sure that we got the lip synching in time we would count each other in before the lyrics would start.

We then filmed us singing along to the song and then uploaded this footage to the imacs. Also we now have a new program 'Final Cut Express' where we had to learn to cut the video and how to add all the effects and add music onto the video.

Critical Analysis

As you can see from out finished video there is a blank space. The reason for this is that we didn't have enough footage, so we had no one singing that part of the song. From this we have leant that when recording you should have more than you need. Also as i was in the video i feel that i could have put a bit more emotional with the facial expressions to make it look more real and that I'm actually singing it.

Positive Analysis

i feel that the video went very well as at the beginning of the task we were very wary of whether the lip synching would be a problem and would spoil the video. However i think that me and Megan had the star quality to overcome the issues presented. Also Rosela helped with the lip synching as she counted us in before the lyrics started which helped a great deal as we was very in time.

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